green currency for green cities
Be the green point on the map of Gdańsk!

Greencoin is an alternative currency, which will be a kind of remuneration for the attitude and pro-environmental activities of the residents of Gdańsk. This is all part of a scientific project that aims to shape environmentally friendly behavior.
Greencoin is a project that aims to bring together many urban actors – individual and institutional – to support each other in sustainable actions.
In 2023 Gdansk will become a living laboratory. We will test the functionality of the app, the process of community formation and the benefits of a network of green partnerships.
We propose to co-create a Greencoin network, allowing promotion through a system that connects people and entities into a green circuit for a sustainable city.

The idea for the project originated at the 2020 IdeaLab workshop organized by NCRD under the theme “Cities of the Future – Services and Solutions.”
During the IdeaLab workshop, a team of representatives from five universities and a non-governmental organization created the first concept of the currency’s operation and defined the directions of research and activities necessary for its implementation.
Greencoin is an international project carried out under the direction of Kacper Radziszewski, M.Sc. from the Faculty of Architecture, Gdansk University of Technology.

Do you want to create a Greencoin community? Write to us!